Quotes API
See the Quotes feature topic for more information about quotes.
Endpoint Index
Action | Endpoint |
Fetch all quotes for a policy | GET /policies/{policyLocator}/quotes |
Fetch a quote | GET /quotes/{quoteLocator} |
Update a draft quote | PATCH /quotes/{quoteLocator} |
Create a new quote using an existing quote | POST /quotes/{quoteLocator}/createNew |
Select a quote | PATCH /quotes/{quoteLocator}/select |
Price a quote and lock in details | PATCH /quotes/{quoteLocator}/quote |
Fetch pricing for a quote that has already been quoted | GET /quotes/{quoteLocator}/price |
Accept a quote | PATCH /quotes/{quoteLocator}/accept |
Invalidate a previously accepted quote | PATCH /quotes/{quoteLocator}/invalidate |
Discard a quote | PATCH /quotes/{quoteLocator}/discard |
Fetch all quotes for a policy¶
GET /policies/{policyLocator}/quotes
Name | Position | Type | Required |
policyLocator | path | string | required |
requiredlocator stringname stringpolicyholderLocator stringpolicyLocator stringproductLocator stringproductName stringstate string draft | quoted | accepted | declined | discardedselected booleancreatedTimestamp timestampupdatedTimestamp timestampcontractStartTimestamp timestampcontractEndTimestamp timestampcharacteristics PolicyCharacteristicsResponseexposures [ExposureResponse]documents [PolicyDocumentResponse]invoices [PolicyQuoteInvoiceResponse]fees [FeeResponse]optionalissuedTimestamp timestampoverrideResourcesAsOfTimestamp timestampresourcesAsOfTimestamp timestampgrossFees numberautomatedUnderwritingResult AutomatedUnderwritingResultResponsegrossFeesCurrency stringpaymentScheduleName string
Fetch a quote¶
GET /quotes/{quoteLocator}
Name | Position | Type | Required |
quoteLocator | path | string | required |
requiredissueTimestamp timestampstartTimestamp timestampendTimestamp timestampfinancialTransactions [FinancialTransactionResponse]optionaldueTimestamp timestamp
Update a draft quote¶
PATCH /quotes/{quoteLocator}
Name | Position | Type | Required |
quoteLocator | path | string | required |
updateRequest | body | PolicyQuoteUpdateRequest | required |
optionalname stringoverrideResourcesAsOfTimestamp timestamppolicyEndTimestamp timestamppolicyStartTimestamp timestampfieldValues map<string,[string]>addFieldGroups [FieldGroupCreateRequest]updateFieldGroups [FieldGroupUpdateRequest]removeFieldGroups [string]addExposures [ExposureCreateRequest]updateExposures [DraftPolicyExposureUpdateRequest]autofill [string]paymentScheduleName stringremoveExposures [string]resetOverrideResourcesAsOfTimestamp boolean
At least one property is required to be set on the PolicyQuoteUpdateRequest
Create a new quote using an existing quote¶
POST /quotes/{quoteLocator}/createNew
Name | Position | Type | Required |
addedChanges | body | PolicyQuoteUpdateRequest | optional |
quoteLocator | path | string | required |
Select a quote¶
PATCH /quotes/{quoteLocator}/select
Name | Position | Type | Required |
quoteLocator | path | string | required |
The selected
quote is used to determine which quote’s data is sent back with a PolicyResponse and which quote is displayed in the UI. It is also the quote that will be bound if the policy is finalized through the /policy API.
Price a quote and lock in details¶
PATCH /quotes/{quoteLocator}/quote
Name | Position | Type | Required |
quoteLocator | path | string | required |
Fetch pricing for a quote that has already been quoted¶
GET /quotes/{quoteLocator}/price
Name | Position | Type | Required |
quoteLocator | path | string | required |
Accept a quote¶
PATCH /quotes/{quoteLocator}/accept
Name | Position | Type | Required |
quoteLocator | path | string | required |
Invalidate a previously accepted quote¶
PATCH /quotes/{quoteLocator}/invalidate
Name | Position | Type | Required |
quoteLocator | path | string | required |
Discard a quote¶
PATCH /quotes/{quoteLocator}/discard
Name | Position | Type | Required |
quoteLocator | path | string | required |
requiredselected stringnotDiscarded [QuoteSummaryResponseItem]
requiredlocator stringname stringstate string draft | quoted | accepted | declined | discarded