Data Extensions


Accounts, elements, etc. can be extended with custom data properties. These entities will include a data property when accessed through the API or plugins, which contains data that was set for the entity in accordance with the configuration. For example, a vehicle element might have the following configuration:

  "data": {
      "name": "make",
      "type": "string",
      "scope": "Q,P"
      "name": "model",
      "type": "string",
      "scope": "Q,P"
      "name": "year",
      "type": "int",
      "scope": "Q,P"
      "name": "vin",
      "type": "string",
      "scope": "Q,P"

When that element is created it might then have the following contents:

  "data": {
    "make": "Toyota",
    "model": "Camry",
    "year": 2020,
    "vin": "4T1M11AK9LU893499"

Data Scopes

Each data property has an associated scope. In configuration, the scope is specified with a string such as "scope": "Q, P". These are the scope options:

  • QQ: The property is associated with Quick Quotes

  • Q: The property is associated with Quotes

  • P: The property is associated with Policies

Because quotes must have all the data required to issue a policy, a data scope of P must also have Q.

Data Types

Each property is declared with a data type. There are several built-in data types that be used, or you may define your own custom types. See the Data Extension Types topic for details.


If the type is not specified for a given data property, the default of string will be used.

Quantifiers and Arrays

Each property type may be modified by the use of a quantifier, which specifies how many of the given value the property may store. The valid quantifiers for a data extension property type are:

  • (no suffix): The value is scalar and not null (i.e. it has exactly one value)

  • ?: The value is scalar but may be null

  • +: The value is an array with one or more values of the given type

  • *: The value is an array with any number of values of the given type

If you have a property with base type int, which can store an integer, the type could be declared as any of:

  • int: 0, 42, and -13 are all valid values, but null is not

  • int?: Like int but also allows null

  • int+: [0, 1], and [-13, 42, 103] are valid values.

  • int*: [], [0, 1], and [-13, 42, 103] are valid values. Note that the * does not permit a null array; but the array can be empty.

Validation Requirements

You may specify additional requirements for data properties:


Applicable Type(s)




The minimum allowed value.



The maximum allowed value.



The minimum string length.



The maximum string length.



The regular expression pattern to which the value must conform.



The array of strings from which the value may be selected.

regex provides powerful basic validation that the platform can enforce for you; for example, you may use a regex pattern to specify the acceptable shape for a string representing a legal identifier in a particular locale:

  "data": {
    "insureds_socialSecurityNumber": {
      "displayName": "Social Security Number",
      "type": "string",
      "regex": "[0-9]{3}[-][0-9]{2}[-][0-9]{4}",
      "maxLength": 11

Other Data Properties

You may add additional properties to your data:


Applicable Type(s)




An array of metadata strings for all fields - generally consumed by UI clients.


long | decimal

An integer specifying the number of places to persist floating point numeric values.


long | decimal

The rounding mode to be employed when rounding of the value is invoked.



The value to be used if a required field is absent upon validation.

  "data": {
    "vechile_class_risk_factor": {
      "type": "decimal",
      "max": "1",
      "min": "0",
      "precision": 7,
      "roundingMode": "halfUp",
      "tag": ["tab1", "uneditable"]

Comprehensive Properties List

  • displayName

  • type

  • scope

  • defaultValue

  • min

  • max

  • minLength

  • maxLength

  • precision

  • roundingMode

  • options

  • regex

  • tag

See Also