Flat Charges


Normal charges in Socotra are rate-based, proratable, and controlled by the policy system. For example, a typical “premium” charge can be expressed as a rate such as “$1000 per month”, and is linked to an element with a duration, such as a year-long coverage. Consider a typical RatingItem construction in this rating plugin code excerpt:

var ratingItem = RatingItem.builder()

Here, the rating item is tied to a “vehicle” element – in this case, an exposure – with the amount given as a rate per unit of time. The unit of time is determined by the durationBasis (see “Durations”), with the length of time determined by the duration of the segment to which the element belongs. Charges are then sent to the billing system for distribution across the invoice stream.

Socotra features “flat charges” to assess charges lacking such an inherent sense of duration. Flat charges are especially useful for various kinds of fees. They can be created through the billing system, placed on an upcoming invoice or on an immediate separate invoice, and reversed, all in isolation from the policy system.


Flat charges are declared like other charges in ConfigurationRef, but are distinguished from “normal” charges with the handling property set to flat. This is the current charge definition specification:

category Enum cededPremium | commission | credit | fee | flatCededPremium | flatCommission | flatFee | flatPremium | flatTax | invoiceFee | none | nonFinancial | premium | surcharge | tax
handling Enum flat | normal
invoicing Enum immediate | next | scheduled

displayName string? (deprecated)

Unless otherwise specified, charges have a default handling of normal and invoicing of scheduled. Flat fees are configured with handling: flat and should be specified with invoicing values next (the default), immediate, or scheduled. Here’s a tabular depiction of the handling and invoicing combinations:


The system will return an error if you attempt to deploy normal charges with invoicing: immediate or invoicing: next.

A configuration with normal and flat charges might look like this:

"charges": {
    "Premium": {
        "category": "premium"
    "ServiceFee": {
        "category": "fee",
        "handling": "flat",
        "invoicing": "immediate"


Flat charges can be created as part of the rating plugin response during transaction pricing, or created directly via the Flat Charges API.

Flat Charges via Rating

When you create flat charges through the rating plugin, you set the amount on the RatingItem instead of the rate. If you supply rate or referenceRate, these will be persisted for reference, but have no functional impact. Here’s an example of a flat charge RatingItem being created in a rating method:

var feeRatingItem = RatingItem.builder()
                        .amount(new BigDecimal("2.00"))

When a transaction is reversed and reapplied, or a post-split segment is created, any flat charges will be stripped out of the new transaction. The original flat charge stands.

If a transaction is invalidated or refused, or is explicitly reversed through the issuance of a reversal transaction, the billing system will reverse the transaction’s flat charges.

Flat charges are not affected by cancellation transactions, but can be offset if needed through the creation of new charges.

Flat Charges via API

The Flat Charges API can be used to manipulate and view charges, allowing for the creation and invoicing of flat charges independently of the policy system rating process. To inject flat charges into billing, use the Add Charges endpoint.

Flat charges created by API must have immediate or next invoicing. If the charge is configured with invoicing: scheduled, it will be created with next when issued through the API.

Invoicing Behavior

If there are no applicable uninvoiced installments for a flat charge with next invoicing, then the charge will be billed as immediate. When a flat charge has no policyLocator set, Socotra will wait for the next invoice generation on the account to bill the charge; else, it will only consider installments for the policy indicated by policyLocator. The system will ensure that only installments matching the flat charge’s currency are considered as candidates for assignment.

For immediate billing, a single new invoice will be created with the following:

  1. All flat charges created by the policy transaction or manual action; and

  2. Any other flat charges with matching currency that are pending with next invoicing.

Every flat charge has a one-to-one association with an invoice item on its invoice unless it has invoicing: scheduled, in which case it can be spread across installments.

The billing of flat charges created as part of a policy transaction is not affected by the transaction’s effective time.

The platform uses relevant installment preferences to determine due dates for immediately invoiced flat charges.

Generated early invoices will include all flat charges scheduled for the next invoice when invoiceThroughTime is used.

Reverse Charges creates inverse charges that are invoiced the same way as regular flat charges. They cannot be reversed.


If invoices containing only flat charges become past due, and any of the charges reference a policyLocator, the corresponding policy (or policies) will enter delinquency.