Jobs API
Endpoint Index
Action | Endpoint |
Fetch Documents Job for Transaction | GET /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/transaction/{locator}/jobs/{jobLocator} |
Fetch Multiple Documents Jobs for Transaction | GET /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/transaction/{locator}/jobs/list |
Fetch Documents Job for Segment | GET /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/segment/{locator}/jobs/{jobLocator} |
Fetch Multiple Documents Jobs for Segment | GET /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/segment/{locator}/jobs/list |
Fetch Documents Job for Quote | GET /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/quote/{locator}/jobs/{jobLocator} |
Fetch Multiple Documents Jobs for Quote | GET /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/quote/{locator}/jobs/list |
Trigger Timed Out Documents Job for Transaction | POST /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/transaction/{locator}/trigger |
Trigger Timed Out Documents Job for Segment | POST /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/segment/{locator}/trigger |
Trigger Timed Out Documents Job for Quote | POST /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/quote/{locator}/trigger |
Fetch Installments Jobs for Quotes | GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/installments/quotes/{locator}/list |
Fetch Installments Jobs for Policy Transactions | GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/installments/transactions/{locator}/list |
Fetch Invoice Jobs for Quotes | GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/invoices/quotes/{locator}/list |
Fetch Invoice Jobs for Policies | GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/invoices/policies/{locator}/list |
Fetch Invoice Jobs for Accounts | GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/invoicing/accounts/{locator}/list |
Fetch Invoice Job | GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/invoicing/{jobLocator} |
Fetch Early Invoicing Job | GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/earlyInvoicing/{jobLocator} |
Fetch Early Invoicing Jobs for Account | GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/earlyInvoicing/accounts/{locator}/list |
Fetch Delinquency Grace Job | GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/delinquencies/{delinquencyLocator}/list |
Fetch Create Delinquencies Job Data for Invoice | GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/delinquencies/invoices/{invoiceLocator}/list |
Fetch Delinquency Event Jobs | GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/delinquencies/{delinquencyLocator}/events/list |
Documents Jobs
GET /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/transaction/{locator}/jobs/{jobLocator}
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
jobLocator | path | string | required |
Security Group:documents  Permission:read
GET /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/transaction/{locator}/jobs/list
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
offset | query | int? | optional |
count | query | int? | optional |
extended | query | boolean? | optional |
Security Group:documents  Permission:read
GET /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/segment/{locator}/jobs/{jobLocator}
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
jobLocator | path | string | required |
Security Group:documents  Permission:read
GET /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/segment/{locator}/jobs/list
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
offset | query | int? | optional |
count | query | int? | optional |
extended | query | boolean? | optional |
Security Group:documents  Permission:read
GET /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/quote/{locator}/jobs/{jobLocator}
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
jobLocator | path | string | required |
Security Group:documents  Permission:read
GET /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/quote/{locator}/jobs/list
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
offset | query | int? | optional |
count | query | int? | optional |
extended | query | boolean? | optional |
Security Group:documents  Permission:read
¶requiredlistCompleted booleanitems DocumentsJobSummary[]
¶requiredlocator stringreferenceLocator stringcompletedAt datetimedocumentTrigger Enum validated | priced | accepted | issued | underwritten | generatedprocessingErrors stringreferenceType Enum quote | policy | invoice | transaction | segment | termstatus Enum running | finished | failedcreatedAt datetimecreatedBy uuidchildrenJobs string[]documents DocumentJobInfo[]
¶requiredlocator stringstaticName stringname stringdocumentInstanceState stringprocessingErrors stringstate string (deprecated)
¶requiredlocator stringreferenceType Enum quote | policy | invoice | transaction | segment | termstatus Enum running | finished | failed
The /list
endpoints above will return an empty array if the entity does not exist for the given locator. An HTTP 404 error will not be generated.
Job Retrigger
POST /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/transaction/{locator}/trigger
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
Security Group:documents  Permission:trigger
POST /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/segment/{locator}/trigger
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
Security Group:documents  Permission:trigger
POST /document/{tenantLocator}/documents/quote/{locator}/trigger
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
Security Group:documents  Permission:trigger
Installment Jobs
GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/installments/quotes/{locator}/list
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
offset | query | int? | optional |
count | query | int? | optional |
extended | query | boolean? | optional |
Security Group:jobs  Permissions:read,list
GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/installments/transactions/{locator}/list
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
offset | query | int? | optional |
count | query | int? | optional |
extended | query | boolean? | optional |
Security Group:jobs  Permissions:read,list
¶requiredlistCompleted booleanitems InstallmentJobData[]
¶requiredlocator locatorlatticeLocator locatorreferenceLocator locatorcompletedAt datetimeinstallmentLocators stringjobStatus Enum running | finished | failedjobType Enum createOrUpdate | invalidate | unbillprocessingErrors stringreferenceType Enum quote | transactioncreatedAt datetime
Invoice Jobs
Normal Invoicing
This endpoint will be removed in a future release.
GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/invoices/quotes/{locator}/list
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
offset | query | int? | optional |
count | query | int? | optional |
Security Group:jobs  Permissions:read,list
This endpoint will be removed in a future release.
GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/invoices/policies/{locator}/list
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
offset | query | int? | optional |
count | query | int? | optional |
Security Group:jobs  Permissions:read,list
GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/invoicing/accounts/{locator}/list
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
offset | query | int? | optional |
count | query | int? | optional |
Security Group:jobs  Permissions:read,list
¶requiredlistCompleted booleanitems InvoicingJobData[]
GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/invoicing/{jobLocator}
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
jobLocator | path | string | required |
Security Group:jobs  Permission:read
¶requiredlocator stringaccountLocator stringjobStatus Enum running | finished | failedcreatedAt datetimeinvoiceLocators string[]invoicingData oneOf<EarlyInvoicingGenerationData, ImmediateInvoicingData>optionalcompletedAt datetime?processingErrors string?
¶requiredlocator stringinvoiceGenerationScheduleLocator stringgenerateTime datetimecompletedAt datetimejobStatus Enum running | finished | failedprocessingErrors stringcreatedAt datetimecreatedBy uuidinvoiceGenerationInstances InvoiceGenerationInstance[]
¶requiredlocator stringinvoiceGenerationJobLocator stringinvoiceLocator stringgenerateTime datetimecompletedAt datetimejobStatus Enum running | finished | failedprocessingErrors stringcreatedAt datetimecreatedBy uuid
Early Invoicing
This endpoint will be removed in a future release.
GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/earlyInvoicing/{jobLocator}
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
jobLocator | path | string | required |
Security Group:jobs  Permission:read
¶requiredlocator stringearlyInvoicingGenerationData EarlyInvoicingGenerationDatajobStatus Enum running | finished | failedcreatedAt datetimeinvoiceLocators string[]optionalcompletedAt datetime?processingErrors string?
¶requiredaccountLocator stringinvoicingType stringinstallmentsToBeInvoiced string[]optionaltimezone string?invoiceDueTime datetime?
This endpoint will be removed in a future release.
GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/earlyInvoicing/accounts/{locator}/list
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
locator | path | string | required |
offset | query | int? | optional |
count | query | int? | optional |
Security Group:jobs  Permissions:read,list
¶requiredlistCompleted booleanitems EarlyInvoicingJobData[]
¶requiredlistCompleted booleanitems InvoiceGenerationJob[]
Delinquency Jobs
GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/delinquencies/{delinquencyLocator}/list
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
delinquencyLocator | path | string | required |
offset | query | int? | optional |
count | query | int? | optional |
extended | query | boolean? | optional |
Security Group:jobs  Permissions:read,list
¶requiredlistCompleted booleanitems GraceJobData[]
¶requiredlocator locatordelinquencyLocator locatorjobStatus Enum running | finished | failedupdatedAt datetimecreatedAt datetimeoptionaloutcome string?processingErrors string?
GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/delinquencies/invoices/{invoiceLocator}/list
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
invoiceLocator | path | string | required |
offset | query | int? | optional |
count | query | int? | optional |
extended | query | boolean? | optional |
Security Group:jobs  Permissions:read,list
¶requiredlistCompleted booleanitems DelinquencyCreateJobData[]
¶requiredlocator locatorinvoiceLocator locatordueTime datetimejobStatus Enum running | finished | failedupdatedAt datetimecreatedAt datetimedelinquencyLocators locator[]optionalprocessingErrors string?
GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/delinquencies/{delinquencyLocator}/events/list
Request Parameters:
Name | Position | Type | Required |
tenantLocator | path | uuid | required |
delinquencyLocator | path | string | required |
offset | query | int? | optional |
count | query | int? | optional |
Security Group:jobs  Permissions:read,list
¶requiredlistCompleted booleanitems DelinquencyEventJobData[]
¶requiredlocator stringdelinquencyEventLocator stringdelinquencyLocator stringjobStatus Enum running | finished | failedtriggerTime datetimeupdatedAt datetimecreatedAt datetimeupdatedDelinquencyEventLocators string[]optionalrescheduledByLocator string?cancellationType Enum? cancellationRequested | rescheduled | tenantRetired | delinquencySettled | delinquencyHeldcancelled boolean?processingErrors string?