Static Data

Some information that pertains to quotes, policies and other entities should not be governed by the data revision rules of policy transactions, and so requires different handling compared to typical policy information like exposures and coverages. Static Data supports the management of such information.


While initially limited to a small number of prescribed key-value pairs on Quotes and Policies, future releases will support the definition of custom static data, across a wide variety of entities via configuration.

Usage - Quotes

The following static data strings can be added to quotes and are all optional.

  • quoteName

  • quoteNumber

  • policyNumber

Static Data can be added to a quote upon it’s creation by including it when creating a quote with a QuoteCreateRequest:

    "productName": "personalAuto",
    "accountLocator": "abc123def456"
    "elements": [],

    "static": {
        "quoteName": "Budget Option",
        "quoteNumber": "12345-67",
        "policyNumber": "34567-89"

Unlike revisioned data, static fields and values can be added or updated even after a quote has been validated and its structure and data have become immutable.

Adding Static Data to an existing quote after creation, including post-validation, can be done via the addStaticDataForQuote request:

    "quoteName": "Budget Option",
    "quoteNumber": "12345-67",
    "policyNumber": "34567-89"

To update the existing Static Data of a quote use the updateStaticDataForQuote endpoint:

    "removeData": {
        "quoteName": "Budget Option"
    "setData": {
        "quoteNumber": "12345-67",
        "policyNumber": "34567-89"

Usage - Policies

If present on the quote prior to issuance, the policyNumber field will be automatically carried forward to the static data of the subsecquent policy.

To add static data after policy creation use the addStaticDataForPolicy endpoint:

    "policyNumber": "34567-89"

To update Static Data on a Policy use the updateStaticDataForPolicy endpoint:

    "removeData": {}
    "setData": {
        "policyNumber": "34567-89"

To replace all static data on a policy use use the replaceAllStaticDataForPolicy endpoint:

    "policyNumber": "34567-89"