

In Socotra, many configurable items require names, and the names for these must follow certain rules to be considered valid. The rules for valid identifiers are the same as for the Java programming language .

Items with Identifier Names

The following items in a Socotra configuration must have names that are valid identifiers:


Each name is used to construct Java objects which use the property name as the variable name. This means each name must be a valid Java identifier:

  • It must start with a letter or underscore.

  • The first character may be followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores.

  • The name must not be the same as a Java reserved word or boolean value.

  • The length of the name must be no more than 128 characters.

Letters may be any valid letter in the Unicode character set. For example, firstName, имя, and όνομα are all valid names.