

The Account is an entity that is used to represent an insured, payer, or other external party within Socotra.

Policies and Policy Quotes are owned by an account, and invoicing and payments may be managed at an account level.


The tenant configuration defines which account fields are allowed and what their data type and structure are.

Each account has a type property, and each type is separately configurable. For example, you could introduce “commercial” and “consumer” account types, with “commercial” having data fields like companyName, while “consumer” might have firstName and lastName.

Extension Data

Accounts are extensible with data in a similar way to other entities. See the Data Extensions topic for more details.

Product Enablement

The eligibleAccountTypes property can be configured for a product in order to restrict its usage to certain account types. If left unspecified, all account types are considered eligible for the product.

Account States

Accounts can be in either of two states:

  • draft: These accounts are mutable without restrictions, but cannot be used to validate a Quote. They must be validated before any associated quote can be validated.

  • validated. This means that the data and other relevant properties on the account have been validated according to the configuration and any customer-created validation rules.

Once an account is validated, it cannot be reverted to draft. It may be updated, but the result of the updates must be valid so that the account remains in a valid state. If the result is invalid, the change will not be saved.

Quotes and Quick Quotes

A valid account is required to validate a Quote. For Quick Quotes, accounts are optional and can be unvalidated.

See Also